Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Welcome to Healthy, Plant-Based Cooking!

The reason I'm creating this blog is to not necessarily have recipes, (sorry to disappoint), but to help you find recipes of ordinary dishes you're already making and transforming them into healthy dishes with little to no oil, no meat, and no cheese. Save all that for a Sunday.

By subscribing to his blog, you’ll never be stumped again with what’s for dinner. Your cravings, your giving in to temptation and this entire yo-yo effect of going from losing weight to gaining more will be over.  What you need is not out there.  It’s not in a diet program, a recipe book or food delivered to your door.  It’s what is in your head that I’m going to help you transform the more you read and watch what I’m doing on a daily basis. 


I've learned that ANYONE can create great dishes that don't look or sound weird and will help you feed your family, your spouse or roommates.  If you were to recreate a dish and it was more delicious than what you’ve been cooking all along, who's to argue? 

Every day I'm cooking.  I promised everyone recipes on Twitter and boy did I get people liking that tweet but honestly, I'd almost rather be cooking than writing which is weird because I love to write.  However, I've been gathering photos, (driving my husband crazy while doing it) and logging all the dishes I've learned to recreate.  They have little to no oil, very little cheese amounts, and no meat.  

This Sunday my husband wanted meat and almost pleaded for a roasted chicken but if we were going to have meat and I was going to give in, I suggested lamb. We love lamb and being it was Sunday, lamb it was! 

We shared 1 pound of ground lamb grilled with pesto and crumbled feta on top, over a bed of lettuce. No other side dishes and no bread and we were as contempt as can be.  (More on that here.)

This blog is not to get you to go plant-based overnight and have you defending yourself in every conversation when you don't eat meat.  I’m going to share with you some simple tips to help you transform not only your diet but the way you think about food. When you can train your mind, you WILL win this war.  

Don't be surprised if you find that you love plants more someday over meat.  There are a TON of people who prefer skipping the meat and who say cheese is "overrated."  

Yesterday my husband moaned about wanting meat and I asked him if he didn’t like the dishes I was preparing.  He said he loved my plant-based dishes.  I asked him what it was and he said he didn’t know.  Think about that.  

Share with me what you think below. Add stuff I don't know. There's a lot that we don't know but we can at least share what helps and what doesn't.  Stuff like that.  Let’s begin.

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